Phase 4
Phase 4 does not introduce any new graphemes. The main aim of this phase is to consolidate the children’s knowledge and to help them learn to read and spell words which have adjacent consonants, such as trap, string and milk.These can be sounded out but recognising them quickly makes for a stronger reader.
14 more tricky words are added too…
some |
come |
one |
said |
do |
so |
were |
when |
have |
there |
out |
like |
little |
what |
The children should now be able to write the Phase 3 words.
They should be able to orally blend cvc words e.g. when you sound out c-a-t, they can tell you the word is cat, and also orally segment cvc words e.g. when you say mum, they can pick out the sounds m-u-m.