Year 4

Welcome to Trengrouse Class

Hello and a warm welcome to Trengrouse Class (Year 4). Mr McCallum is our class teacher.

Mr McCallum
(Year 4)

Please check out our ClassDojo site for live photos, videos and other in class information.

Here is a brief summary of useful class information.

Weekly Home Learning (out on Wednesday in on Tuesday)

Maths task – related to learning covered in class.

Spellings based around a spelling pattern – weekly test (Wednesday). I also go over these in class during registration and handwriting sessions.

Times table practice – timed test every Friday.

Regular reading (books signed please) all reading records checked in class on a Friday.

Topic Home Learning

One topic related activity every 2 weeks. Please refer to the sheet in your child’s Home Learning book for further details.

P.E. & Games Tuesday – Inside Thursday – Outside

Topic Based Curriculum We are running our curriculum around termly topics that will be cross curricular and will inform, inspire and underpin the majority of our learning. Through a more immersive classroom environment, I hope to engage and excite the class whilst developing BLP skills.

Novel Study –  30 minute sessions everyday plus used as stimulus for writing.

Additional Support Mrs Clarke in class support plus Mrs Field pre/post teach in small groups as required.

If you have any questions, comments or information please pop in for a chat or contact me preferably via Dojo or failing that with an email.

We hope our child has a fantastic year and we look forward to being a part of their learning journey in Year 4.