Phase 3
Phase 3 builds on Phase 2. It completes the teaching of the alphabet and children move onto sounds represented by more than 1 letter (including some where the same letters can make different sounds e.g. oo– book, loop)…
DIGRAPHS – 2 letters that make 1 sound e.g. ll ss zz oa ai
TRIGRAPHS – 3 letters that make 1 sound e.g. igh air
j |
v |
w |
x |
y |
z |
zz |
qu |
ch |
sh |
th |
ng |
ai |
ee |
igh |
oa |
oo |
ar |
or |
ur |
ow |
oi |
ear |
air |
ure |
er |
ur |
and 12 more tricky words to read…
he |
she |
we |
me |
be |
was |
my |
you |
her |
they |
all |
are |
They should now, also, be able to spell the 5 tricky words from phase 2.
They should be able to orally blend cvc words e.g. when you sound out c-a-t, they can tell you the word is cat, and also orally segment cvc words e.g. when you say mum, they can pick out the sounds m-u-m.